Creating an Agile Working Process for Nielsen NL
Project for: Nielsen Media Research NL
In this project, my goal was to implement a UX approach for Nielsen NL into the agile system according to team requirements and testing it.
When I started working at Nielsen Netherlands, UX processes needed to be added to the agile system as a first step.
Until that day, my team did not have a chance to work with full-time UXers.
For this purpose, I had a series of meetings with Product managers, Developers, the QA department, and the core UX team (in America) and tried to learn the pain points, requests, and expectations about the system.
After this stage, I made a draft workflow and refined it with the team.
The new approach was redesigned after the feedback I received from the team, also Jira board was updated according to the new approach, and also ticket structures were changed.
A more easily trackable system was established where all teams could monitor granular steps of each other’s work, and this system was tested with the team in 2 sprints.
After the necessary minor changes, many existing extra meetings were removed, and the teams started to discuss all the details during the refinement sessions and teams got rid of extra meetings and had a chance to focus on their daily work.
Currently, this system shapes the basics of the Nielsen NL working system.
A New Workin Process Flow

Please click the image to see the detailed flow
Adding UX Research Approach to The Work Process
After creating the working process by implementing the UX approach, I started to work on how to add user research to this process.
This process includes adding certain steps to the existing process.
Briefly; After the feature requests come from certain channels, they need to be organized and discussed with the whole team.
Following this, a story map must be created accordingly.
Hereupon, PM determines which features of this product are MVP for the product.
In the next stage (after user stories are created), the feature needs to be added to sprint planning.
As the next step (if we need to develop a very detailed product), all possible steps need to be created as a flowchart by the UX and validated by the team.
After this, the first design of the feature has to be designed by the UX department, needs to be reviewed once again with the team and all the necessary changes need to be implemented.
Thereafter, a prototype and user research needs to be planned (if needed).
Regarding the user research, the research type must be decided by UX and planned together with PM, and UX & PM also may ask for support from the CS team to find the necessary users.
As a result of the research, the design may be renewed according to user requests.
After this, redesigns need to be delivered to the DEV department and taken into Sprint planning.
Once the application is coded by DEVs, UX – QA reviews need to follow this step and some parts need to be re-coded if necessary.
After the product comes to the end stage, if usability testing is required, the UX team must do this with the support of the same teams (PM & CS), and the final report needs to be prepared.
Changes can be implemented to the feature based on this report.
Finally, the feature can be released at the planned time. After the feature is released, it can be reviewed thanks to analytical data and general user feedback collected from various channels.
UX Research Adapted New Agile Working Process

Please click the image to see the detailed flow
Note: Please feel free to contact me for more information and a detailed explanation of each stage.